最近發現不少車都有改裝 HID 的霧燈,甚至還有的車只開 HID 霧燈不開大燈,而我也知道因為驗車只驗大燈不驗霧燈,所以許多人就把改裝 HID 的腦筋動到務登上。政府之所以規定大燈不能自己改 HID,除怕打鳥外,就是擔心眩光問題,而霧燈如果也上 HID,問題其實不比大燈小 (甚至霧燈比大燈還刺眼),更不用說那些只開 HID 霧燈的了,如果政府現在也有在管霧燈的話,那還真的是德政一條。
以下轉自 http://www.ebay.com/gds/What-s-the-Difference-Between-Driving-Lights-and-Fog-Lights-/10000000177633614/g.html
Fog Lights
Regular headlights can reflect off the fog, snow, or dust particles in the air, causing glare and confusing the eyes of drivers so that they cannot see the road adequately. Fog lights, as their name suggests, were developed for use in dangerously thick fog. They can also be used for other conditions in which visibility is severely limited. Fog lights are completely separate units from standard headlights.
Fog Light Beams
Fog lights have a unique beam shape. Their beams are flat and wide, and they are positioned low on the car, usually near the front bumper. The shape of the fog light beams usually resembles a narrow bar. They are meant to cut through the fog and light up the surface of the road so that drivers can see well enough to stay on the road and within their lane. In addition to fog and mist, fog lights are also useful where there are significant amounts of dust and snow on the road, either drifting in through the air or being churned up from the surface of the road. Without fog lights, drivers might not see obstacles such as tree branches, wild animals, or debris in time to avoid them.
Restrictions on Fog Lights
Fog lights are so strong that most regions outlaw their use except in cases of thick fog or other severe weather. If they are used under normal conditions, other drivers can be blinded by their brightness or distracted by their light pattern. If this happens, the result could be a minor fender-bender or a serious accident. As soon as the fog clears or the mist dissipates, drivers should turn off their fog lights so as not to disturb or distract other drivers. Drivers who use their fog lights when visibility is normal or only slightly reduced could be pulled over by an officer. They may even face a fine if the officer deems the use of the fog lights inappropriate given the weather conditions.
以下轉自 http://www.ebay.com/gds/What-s-the-Difference-Between-Driving-Lights-and-Fog-Lights-/10000000177633614/g.html
Fog Lights
Regular headlights can reflect off the fog, snow, or dust particles in the air, causing glare and confusing the eyes of drivers so that they cannot see the road adequately. Fog lights, as their name suggests, were developed for use in dangerously thick fog. They can also be used for other conditions in which visibility is severely limited. Fog lights are completely separate units from standard headlights.
Fog Light Beams
Fog lights have a unique beam shape. Their beams are flat and wide, and they are positioned low on the car, usually near the front bumper. The shape of the fog light beams usually resembles a narrow bar. They are meant to cut through the fog and light up the surface of the road so that drivers can see well enough to stay on the road and within their lane. In addition to fog and mist, fog lights are also useful where there are significant amounts of dust and snow on the road, either drifting in through the air or being churned up from the surface of the road. Without fog lights, drivers might not see obstacles such as tree branches, wild animals, or debris in time to avoid them.
Restrictions on Fog Lights
Fog lights are so strong that most regions outlaw their use except in cases of thick fog or other severe weather. If they are used under normal conditions, other drivers can be blinded by their brightness or distracted by their light pattern. If this happens, the result could be a minor fender-bender or a serious accident. As soon as the fog clears or the mist dissipates, drivers should turn off their fog lights so as not to disturb or distract other drivers. Drivers who use their fog lights when visibility is normal or only slightly reduced could be pulled over by an officer. They may even face a fine if the officer deems the use of the fog lights inappropriate given the weather conditions.
從上述文章中可以得知,霧燈與大燈的設計不同,在非視線不佳的情況下,是不該使用霧燈的,更不用說在晴天夜間開啟 HID 霧燈了,而因為政府對於大燈改 HID 的管制,使得台灣對於霧燈改裝 HID 的風氣更加興盛。
最近聽到有部分車友反映部分驗車廠已不接受霧燈改裝 HID,雖然不清楚此消息是否為真,但如果政府現在也有在管霧燈的話,那還真的是德政一條。
此外,台灣目前對於在正常路況天候下開霧燈的情況是滿常見的,尤其不少人會刻意開啟更為刺眼的後霧燈,甚至把它改裝成與剎車連動一同閃爍,最常見的車有 RAV4、WISH、CAMRY 等,真的是非常要不得的行為。這樣的情圍棋時確定是違法的,如被檢舉監理單位也會開罰,但是開罰的動作實在太過於消極 (相對來說騎車戴安全帽的積極行為就做得很好),才會造成路上一堆人有樣學樣。
遠光燈則是另一個問題,有的車可能是因為無法合法改裝 HID,無論何種路況,無論是市區或高速公路,皆長開遠光燈來補強,這種人更是可惡,造成比 HID 更大的問題!
也呼籲政府,管管這些交通的亂象,如未有法規規範的就趕緊修法,已有法規的應該就要用心去的推廣、積極取締,這樣才能對交通有正面的幫助。當然,我對於公務員 (這些人已從以前的弱勢變成全台灣最聰明的一群人) 的期望不怎麼高就是了!
此外,台灣目前對於在正常路況天候下開霧燈的情況是滿常見的,尤其不少人會刻意開啟更為刺眼的後霧燈,甚至把它改裝成與剎車連動一同閃爍,最常見的車有 RAV4、WISH、CAMRY 等,真的是非常要不得的行為。這樣的情圍棋時確定是違法的,如被檢舉監理單位也會開罰,但是開罰的動作實在太過於消極 (相對來說騎車戴安全帽的積極行為就做得很好),才會造成路上一堆人有樣學樣。
遠光燈則是另一個問題,有的車可能是因為無法合法改裝 HID,無論何種路況,無論是市區或高速公路,皆長開遠光燈來補強,這種人更是可惡,造成比 HID 更大的問題!
也呼籲政府,管管這些交通的亂象,如未有法規規範的就趕緊修法,已有法規的應該就要用心去的推廣、積極取締,這樣才能對交通有正面的幫助。當然,我對於公務員 (這些人已從以前的弱勢變成全台灣最聰明的一群人) 的期望不怎麼高就是了!