
  1. 目前市場上的大豆卵磷脂產品有軟膠囊和顆粒兩種,軟膠囊中卵磷脂的含量不到60% ,但含有超過40% 的豆油、明膠、甘油等食品添加劑,這些添加劑可能對胎兒的健康產生影響。因此孕婦不宜選擇卵磷脂軟膠囊。(來源)
  2. 我家DD對豆類敏感,我吃第一顆,晚上護士就跟我說DD睡不好,我也發現他肚子鼓鼓的,吃第二顆我就知道我不能吃了,因為他肚子鼓的很嚴重。(來源)
  1. Just because lecithin is found in some foods does not mean that lecithin supplements are safe for use during pregnancy. Sometimes, a normal intake of some substances through food is perfectly safe while consumption through dietary supplements may cause problems. Often, dietary supplements provide substances at much higher doses, compared to a normal intake through food. Sometimes, the preparation process or other factors introduce contaminants or somehow change the components in ways that make the supplement unsafe for pregnant women. It simply cannot be assumed that a dietary supplement derived from a food source is safe. (來源)
  2. It is not known if lecithin supplements are safe (or unsafe) for women who are breastfeeding. No studies have evaluated the safety of using lecithin during breastfeeding. Even so, many Web sites recommend using lecithin to treat and prevent clogged milk ducts or mastitis (inflammation or infection of the breast), although there is no real scientific evidence to suggest that this is either safe or effective. Just because lecithin is a normal component of food does not mean that lecithin supplements are safe for use during breastfeeding. In some cases, a normal intake of some substances through food is perfectly safe, while consumption through dietary supplements may cause problems. Dietary supplements often provide substances at much higher doses, compared to a normal intake through food. Sometimes, the preparation process or other factors introduce contaminants or somehow change the components in ways that make the supplement unsafe for breastfeeding women. It simply cannot be assumed that a dietary supplement derived from a food source is safe. (來源)
  3. Dietary lecithin is generally considered safe to consume during pregnancy. Lecithin supplements, however, might be unsafe due to a lack of scientific research on the safety and efficacy of the supplement on fetal development. Lecithin supplements might encounter unsafe toxins and contaminants during the manufacturing process. Always consult your midwife or obstetrician before using any type of dietary supplement while pregnant.(來源)
  4. Do not take lecithin without first talking to your doctor if you are pregnant or could become pregnant. Lecithin is generally not recommended for use during pregnancy. Do not take lecithin without first talking to your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby. There is no information available regarding the use of lecithin by children. Do not give any herbal/health supplement to a child without first talking to the child's doctor.(來源)

這讓我想起,之前上網查有關那個牌子的 DHA 比較好的時候,意外的看到一篇文章,上面提到醫生建議每日攝取 DHA,指的是從食物中攝取,而不是直接從膠囊中攝取。上面的英文也有提到類似的情況,有時候從食物中攝取養分是沒有問題的,但有時如果直接攝取卻有可能會出問題。
